Hyperextension baby, how to baby wear?
Baby hyperextension, what is it?
Hyperextension is characterized by an excessive contraction of the muscles at the back of your child's body. When he is angry, he may arch his back and bend his head backwards. If it's temporary and your baby is still mobile in his limbs, it's probably not pathological. Talk to your pediatrician, it may be an indication that your child is in pain.
Make an appointment with your pediatrician who can help you and your baby.
Baby puts himself in hyperextension, how do I successfully carry him?

Some babies show their feelings very early by hyperextending. If you have difficulty putting your baby in a sling or a baby carrier, don't panic. We give you our advice:
Before putting your baby in a sling, it's a good idea to try out your babywearing tool several times. To be sure of your choreography and therefore sure of yourself. In the case of the wrap, beyond the basic knot, you can review the steps shown in our videos or in the instructions, without your baby, by mimicking the gestures. This will help you feel more comfortable if baby cries a little at first.
Once you feel ready and your baby is available, you can start.
All babywearing begins arm to arm. To invite your baby to roll over, practice the arm carry: position his knees higher than his buttocks, plant his entire forearm in the hollow of his knees under his thighs. Let baby sit up and tilt his pelvis, as if he were sitting on a tree branch. Support his upper back and neck without pinching them (bring his hands towards his face), feel his back round.
Cradle him while he settles.
When you feel him getting heavier and settle down, you can then try to gently pull the carrier up over his back, always providing sufficient support (for example, by putting your cheek against his head).
Moreover, be sure to check that the carrying method used allows a physiological position. That it respects the physiology of your child. If in the baby carrier or the sling, your child has straight and swinging legs, that he is carried by the crotch, that his back is straight, you will know that it is not physiological at all. (risk of hip dysplasia, bad psychomotor development...)
All of our baby carriers and slings have been designed with this in mind and are certified as hip-friendly by the International Hip Dysplasia Institute.
We hope that these tips will soothe those sweet babywearing moments.
We are available via email, Messenger, Instagram, Whatsapp or phone to coach you.
You can also be accompanied by our trained babywearing instructors in person near you or even by video!
Updated on: 26/11/2024
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