When can I start using a baby carrier?
The baby carrier: from what age? Your baby has just arrived and you want him/her to be constantly by your side for any trip. The baby carrier comes naturally to your mind because it is very practical for walks and leaves your hands free.
You only wonder when you will be able to use it. Don't panic, we tell you everything!
From birth! But not all baby carriers can carry a newborn.
The most recommended way to carry a newborn is in a sling or baby wrap for the most physiological approach possible. However, baby carriers are still a very good way to carry your baby as soon as he or she arrives, as long as they respect different criteria.
There are many models of baby carriers but, for an infant, only the physiological baby carrier or a full buckle baby carrier can be your choice to respect his physiological needs. Indeed, they offer to the baby a position respectful of its anatomy: seat rolled up of the lower back, legs spread and raised (and not suspended) in the shape of M and a support for the neck and the head.
When choosing a baby carrier, the best thing to do is to make sure that it is comfortable for you and your baby: wide, comfortable straps and support for the baby's neck.
Our physiological baby carriers: the HoodieCarrier and the PhysioCarrier will allow you to carry your little ones from birth (if they are over 3.5 kg) with the addition of the extension kit. Without the kit, you will have to wait until your baby is about 5 kg. The extension kit allows you to maintain the baby's head correctly and to raise the baby to the most physiological position possible.
Our baby carriers are recognized as healthy for your toddler's hips by the International Hip Dysplasia Institute. All our fabrics are OekoTex certified.
Installing your newborn with our baby carriers is very simple, we explain everything step by step in video: HoodieCarrier and PhysioCarrier tutorials.
From 5 kg or 4/6 months
When your little one gets bigger and bigger, the extension kit will no longer have the same use and will not be mandatory. Indeed, from 5 kg and therefore 4/6 months, your baby will be bigger and stronger so that he will not necessarily need the booster seat anymore because his head will go beyond the baby carrier and will maintain his neck by himself. The physiological position will of course still be respected.
If you don't need the booster seat for front carrying, don't worry, it will soon find another use. When you wear your baby on your back, you can satisfy your child's curiosity (but also your muscles!) thanks to the booster seat which will increase the height of the carry and allow him to look over your shoulder.
You can also always use the neckpillow at any time since it allows you to extend the height for a growing baby.
Our baby carriers will always be your faithful companions for walks or naps!

From 9 months
At this age, you can switch to a back carry which will be the most comfortable position for you and baby. The weight and height will be the most precise data to take into account, the age being a more approximate reference.
To help you determine if you can carry on your back :
baby grabs his feet when lying down
holds his head
is curious
holds on to arms when on tummy
To have your baby against you and facing you to reassure him and always have an eye on him. Baby can observe his environment and take refuge against you if he feels the need.
It is possible to use the baby carrier for a posture facing the world but it is not the one we would recommend. The baby needs to see the reactions of his parents and to decode his environment also in this way. Also, the back is not so well rolled up and the head is not really supported in the right way when he sleeps and his muscle tone is decreased.
Baby is left to his own devices and receives all the stimuli in his visual field without benefiting from the filtering of the gaze and facial expressions of the carrying parent.
Concerning the position of the head in a face-to-face carry, the chin can fall against his chest and does not favor breathing/ventilation.
With his poor visual acuity, baby will not be able to analyze the many visual stimuli in front of him, especially those he does not know. In fact, let's take a look at the visual acuity of a baby from 4 to 12 months, before he can walk.
4 months: baby has a visual acuity of 1/15 and a visual field of 110°. Baby perceives small objects at 50 cm from him
6 months to 1 year: visual acuity increases to 1/10 and his visual field to 180°, baby sees all the colors and distinguishes well the objects close to him but only the forms concerning the distant objects
He cannot really analyze all this world in front of him as we imagine.
When carrying a baby facing the world, the hands and forearms of the baby are always open and not contained/grouped. Putting the hands to the mouth is an important psychomotor function in the development of the baby.
If baby wants to discover the world, side carrying or back carrying will be much more suitable: Baby will be able to turn his head and observe and then lean against you/the carrier/the parent when rest is needed.
This is an asymmetrical carrying position that can seem quite spontaneous and offers a wider vision to your child who will be against you but not facing you. It is a position that will satisfy baby's curiosity to discover the world while respecting his physiological needs.
This is the position that will relieve your muscles the most and will be the most comfortable for you, especially as your baby grows. Practical for long walks!
The baby carrier can be used from birth, even if the sling / baby wrap is still the most suitable. There are many types of baby carriers, but to make the best choice, only the physiological or full buckle baby carrier is suitable for infants.
You can use our physiological baby carriers until your baby weighs 20 kg or about 36 months.
You only wonder when you will be able to use it. Don't panic, we tell you everything!
From what age can I put my baby in a baby carrier?
From birth! But not all baby carriers can carry a newborn.
The most recommended way to carry a newborn is in a sling or baby wrap for the most physiological approach possible. However, baby carriers are still a very good way to carry your baby as soon as he or she arrives, as long as they respect different criteria.
There are many models of baby carriers but, for an infant, only the physiological baby carrier or a full buckle baby carrier can be your choice to respect his physiological needs. Indeed, they offer to the baby a position respectful of its anatomy: seat rolled up of the lower back, legs spread and raised (and not suspended) in the shape of M and a support for the neck and the head.
When choosing a baby carrier, the best thing to do is to make sure that it is comfortable for you and your baby: wide, comfortable straps and support for the baby's neck.
Our physiological baby carriers: the HoodieCarrier and the PhysioCarrier will allow you to carry your little ones from birth (if they are over 3.5 kg) with the addition of the extension kit. Without the kit, you will have to wait until your baby is about 5 kg. The extension kit allows you to maintain the baby's head correctly and to raise the baby to the most physiological position possible.
Our baby carriers are recognized as healthy for your toddler's hips by the International Hip Dysplasia Institute. All our fabrics are OekoTex certified.
Installing your newborn with our baby carriers is very simple, we explain everything step by step in video: HoodieCarrier and PhysioCarrier tutorials.
From 5 kg or 4/6 months
When your little one gets bigger and bigger, the extension kit will no longer have the same use and will not be mandatory. Indeed, from 5 kg and therefore 4/6 months, your baby will be bigger and stronger so that he will not necessarily need the booster seat anymore because his head will go beyond the baby carrier and will maintain his neck by himself. The physiological position will of course still be respected.
If you don't need the booster seat for front carrying, don't worry, it will soon find another use. When you wear your baby on your back, you can satisfy your child's curiosity (but also your muscles!) thanks to the booster seat which will increase the height of the carry and allow him to look over your shoulder.
You can also always use the neckpillow at any time since it allows you to extend the height for a growing baby.
Our baby carriers will always be your faithful companions for walks or naps!

From 9 months
At this age, you can switch to a back carry which will be the most comfortable position for you and baby. The weight and height will be the most precise data to take into account, the age being a more approximate reference.
To help you determine if you can carry on your back :
baby grabs his feet when lying down
holds his head
is curious
holds on to arms when on tummy
Possible positions in a baby carrier
Front carry
To have your baby against you and facing you to reassure him and always have an eye on him. Baby can observe his environment and take refuge against you if he feels the need.
Carrying facing the world
It is possible to use the baby carrier for a posture facing the world but it is not the one we would recommend. The baby needs to see the reactions of his parents and to decode his environment also in this way. Also, the back is not so well rolled up and the head is not really supported in the right way when he sleeps and his muscle tone is decreased.
Baby is left to his own devices and receives all the stimuli in his visual field without benefiting from the filtering of the gaze and facial expressions of the carrying parent.
Concerning the position of the head in a face-to-face carry, the chin can fall against his chest and does not favor breathing/ventilation.
With his poor visual acuity, baby will not be able to analyze the many visual stimuli in front of him, especially those he does not know. In fact, let's take a look at the visual acuity of a baby from 4 to 12 months, before he can walk.
4 months: baby has a visual acuity of 1/15 and a visual field of 110°. Baby perceives small objects at 50 cm from him
6 months to 1 year: visual acuity increases to 1/10 and his visual field to 180°, baby sees all the colors and distinguishes well the objects close to him but only the forms concerning the distant objects
He cannot really analyze all this world in front of him as we imagine.
When carrying a baby facing the world, the hands and forearms of the baby are always open and not contained/grouped. Putting the hands to the mouth is an important psychomotor function in the development of the baby.
If baby wants to discover the world, side carrying or back carrying will be much more suitable: Baby will be able to turn his head and observe and then lean against you/the carrier/the parent when rest is needed.
Side carry
This is an asymmetrical carrying position that can seem quite spontaneous and offers a wider vision to your child who will be against you but not facing you. It is a position that will satisfy baby's curiosity to discover the world while respecting his physiological needs.
Back carrying
This is the position that will relieve your muscles the most and will be the most comfortable for you, especially as your baby grows. Practical for long walks!
To keep in mind
The baby carrier can be used from birth, even if the sling / baby wrap is still the most suitable. There are many types of baby carriers, but to make the best choice, only the physiological or full buckle baby carrier is suitable for infants.
You can use our physiological baby carriers until your baby weighs 20 kg or about 36 months.
Updated on: 20/11/2024
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