Baby wearing in practice
When can I start using a baby carrier?
The baby carrier: from what age? Your baby has just arrived and you want him/her to be constantly by your side for any trip. The baby carrier comes naturally to your mind because it is very practical for walks and leaves your hands free. You only wonder when you will be able to use it. Don't panic, we tell you everything! From what age can I put my baby in a baby carrier? From birth! But not all baby carriers can carry a newborn. The most recommended way to carry a newborn (hPopularCan I wear my Baby after a C-Section?
Is it ok to carry a baby after c-section? The answer is YES, fortunately, but some ways of babywearing after a c-section are more suitable than others. Whether the C-section is scheduled or not, it is common to believe that moms cannot carry their babies for 3 weeks after childbirth. Young moms, this rumor is false! Fortunately, babywearing and cesarean sections are compatible. Doctors often say that you should not carry heavier than your baby. So yes, the best thing is not to carry heavyPopularIs it possible to carry a premature baby or a baby weighing less than 3.5 kg?
Baby carriers for babies weighing less than 3.5 kg The standards for baby carriers and slings in Europe require a minimum weight of 3.5 kg (7,7 lbs). No baby carrier manufacturer can therefore officially claim to use a baby carrier under 3 kg. Nevertheless, most parents can carry an infant under the weight indicated in the baby carrier or sling without worry. Of course, it is important to choose a physiological baby carrier that is adapted to the physiology and morphology of a newborn.PopularHow to dress baby in Winter when babywearing?
Portage en Hiver, papa et maman avec leurs enfants If you are in a hurry… When you carry your baby, you are already sharing your body heat of 37 degrees with him. A good indicator with the wrap: each layer of the wrap represents a layer of clothing. Adjust the fit according to how you feel about the temperature. We recommend that parents do not use a pilot-type suit, which does not allow movement anPopularStroller or baby carrier: which one to choose?
Strollers and baby carriers are suitable means of transport to help your baby discover the world. But what are their advantages and disadvantages? Browse this article to make your choice. As soon as your baby is born, the question of transporting your baby arises. How to bring him home? How to go shopping? What is the most practical way to carry your baby around? You don't have to be traveling parents to rack your brains! Until your child is old enough to walk independently, you will need a wPopularBaby carrier and baby wrap for summer : how to choose ?
The first hot days are coming and you want to enjoy the outdoors with your baby. You need an adapted and ventilated physiological way of babywearing. Stay with us to know which one to choose! Be aware that by carrying your child you are already sharing your body heat which tends to make you hot. But, some baby carriers and slings are more suitable than others in summer. Summer babywearing: getting started First of all, a few tips to help ySome readersSkin to skin with baby: everything you need to know
baby in mom's arms, skin to skin in a sling First contact with baby, skin to skin would have many benefits. Discover why and how! Definition of skin to skin Skin to skin is the direct contact of the baby and his mom or dad, chest to chest. From this proximity, an exchange of heat, odors and hormones takes place, which will trigger innate behaviors in the baby and his parentSome readersWhat kind of babywearing is recommended for the newborn?
In summary… The baby wrap (BASIC, Original or PESN sling) is the most physiological approach that will really wrap your baby and respect the curve of the back from birth. However, for the chilly of the node, the physiological baby carriers will be able to accompany you by adjusting to the needs of baby. Just be sure to change the orientation of the head every 20 minutes when baby is sleeping. Newborns usually spend a lot of time in our arms. And, babywearing is as beneficial for parents asSome readersHow to dress baby in summer when babywearing?
Hot days in summer means hot weather. It is not always easy to know how to dress baby when it is hot. And when carrying, other questions arise. Discover our tips and tricks in this article. Tips for dressing baby in summer Just like us, babies can suffer from the heat. Consequences: redness and sweating. Sweating helps to regulate heat. However, a baby (and especially a newborn baby) has difficulty regulating its temperature. Covering him more than necessary is therefore not recommended.Some readersNon ergonomic baby carrier, what are the dangers?
It's hard to miss the term "ergonomic" in babywearing today. But what does ergonomic baby carrier mean? Is there any danger in using a non ergonomic baby carrier? How to choose? We will answer all these questions. What does physiological carrying mean? It is the most natural way of carrying possible. It respects the baby's physiology. A baby does not have the same musculature and bone density as an adult. In an ergonomic carrier, this dimension is taken into account and it is necessarySome readersBaby wrap vs carrier: how to choose?
Between the cocoon of the sling and the practicality of the baby carrier, young parents can quickly get lost. To help you, we are going to present you the different offers available on the market with their advantages and disadvantages. Baby wrap VS carrier It is important to know that the way of babywearing you choose will depend mainly on : your needs: do you prefer hiking or netflix? your budget the conformity of the babywearing tool: does it respect the safety standards and baSome readersCan I sleep with my baby in the babycarrier?
It's a legitimate question when you are exhausted or have to carry at night to calm your baby. However, sleeping with your baby carried is absolutely not recommended. During babywearing, you must always be awake and be able to observe baby and his breathing. In addition, your lying down sleeping position risks exerting harmful compression for the baby. With the baby carrier which will exert pressure against his back to him.Few readersTips for traveling with baby
Parents, but not only, you always want to go on vacation. Is traveling with a baby possible? Yes, fortunately! The arrival of your little one will just require more organization. How do you go about it? At what age? Stay with us to discover the world with your family peacefully. From what age can a baby travel? There is no real age to travel with your baby. From birth, you can go on vacation with your family. The fact is that if Mum and Dad are by his side, feeding him, sleeping and reFew readersTOP 5: choosing the best baby carrier
Baby is coming or already here and buying a baby carrier becomes essential. But the choice of baby carrier models is endless and leaves you distraught. We are here to help you make that choice: what criteria should you take into account? What should you look for? Stay with us to decide and have your hands free. Criteria for choosing a baby carrier 1- Choose a physiological baby carrier This is really the most important element. The physiological position must be respected: LiFew readersCan I wear my baby facing out?
If you are in a hurry… This is a posture that we do not recommend because the baby needs to see the reactions of his parents. In front carrying, the baby is left to himself and to the great stimulation of what surrounds him. Opt for a hip or back carry instead, to satisfy his curiosity. A major topic of debate in the world of babywearing. We take the floor on this divisive topic. Babywearing facing out: yes or no? This is a posture that we don't really recommend because the babyFew readersI suffer from back pain, herniated disc, can I wear?
The most important thing in your case is obviously to listen to you and to respect your signs of fatigue! The so-called "physiological" babywearing is there to be comfortable for you and for your baby. If not: which baby carrier do you have? How long do you carry and in which position(s)? Is baby at kissing height? In the case of an infant you will be carrying him in your arms anyway because he needs it. This will not help your back pain either. The ergonFew readersBaby doesn't like the carrier: what to do?
You've heard all the great things about babywearing for you and your baby, and we can confirm that it has some really great benefits! Creation of a bond, mobility, temperature regulation, better psychomotor development of baby... All these are great promises. However, you put your baby in the sling or baby carrier for the first time, and then he cries, screams, gets stiff... Baby doesn't like the sling or baby doesn't like the baby carrier. That's what you tell yourself, and we understand.Few readersMy baby has marks/redness on his legs in a baby carrier
This can happen if the child is not sitting sufficiently deep in the carrier. This is because the booster seat should be inserted with the fabric pointing downwards towards the waistband, so that the label "Sit baby here" is on the widest part of the booster seat. This is where your child's bottom will rest. In addition, the apron of the baby carrier should also be against your child's bottom. In the first photo below, only half the thighs are resting. In the second photo, the buttocks and thiFew readersWhat are the benefits of babywearing ?
In summary… For the baby: reproduction of the foetal position which reassures him. Stimulates the production of oxytocin and therefore the bond of attachment, facilitates digestion and reduces reflux and colic. Baby can share the different rhythms and emotions of the day at adult eye level. For the parent: hands free, skin to skin. It can also facilitate breastfeeding. What is physiological babywearing? Babywearing, as its name indicates, is the act of carrying your baby againFew readersTOP 5: choosing the best baby wrap
The baby wrap is the essential accessory to carry your baby from birth. Woven or stretchy baby wrap, with or without a knot, it is easy to get lost. Stay with us, experts in babywearing since 2007, we can help you. You will find our top 5 tips to make your choice before purchase. Criteria for choosing a baby wrap 1 - The type of wrap Stretchy, woven or ring-sling, which one to choose ? It all depends on your needs. We will briefly mention the differences. Stretchy baby wraps TheyFew readersWhat is the best baby carrier for a 4 month old baby?
The one that seems the most natural and adapted to your baby and your daily life! Your baby is rather light and you only need an occasional carrying device, to go from the car to the nursery or to run a small errand? You can still opt for a Little Wrap Without A Knot. Worn in a sideways sitting position, your baby will be able to see what is going on around you and share your facial expressions. If you are more into long waFew readersHow to carry a baby of a few months old who is not used to babywearing?
A baby has an innate grasping reflex, which he will keep if he is carried regularly, and which will enable him to position himself easily in the sling or baby carrier. However, if this reflex is not used, i.e. if the child is not carried in a physiological way during the first few months, it will disappear: the baby will no longer spontaneously put himself in a physiological posiFew readersIs it possible to carry my baby if I'm pregnant?
Carrying the back during pregnancy must be carried out with caution and imperatively linked to a need. Ask yourself the question: can I do otherwise? It is important to pay attention to your body and to listen to yourself. Also, remember that your perineum is currently under more pressure than usual.Few readersCan I carry a baby even with a large chest?
The morphology of the carrier has a definite impact on the positioning of the baby in carrying. It is up to you to take the time to observe your baby in arm carry to determine on which part of your bust he adopts the most physiological position according to his age. A mother who has a large chest may have to shift her baby on her bust (more outward / inward or lower / higher) so that her morphology does not negatively influence the pelvis - column - head axis. of the Baby.Few readersCan we carry twins at the same time?
We understand the even greater need to care for twins. However, co-porting remains a practice that we recommend than static porting for skin-to-skin postpartum using a sling and a trained instructor. Nevertheless, carrying for the movement, with two infants, remains a feat very difficult to achieve in so-called "physiological" conditions: difficult to remain attentive to the needs of each baby which may be different to safety: make sure to leave the respiratory tract visibleFew readersCan I keep my baby in the car with me when babywearing?
No. The sling does not replace an approved carrying device adapted to the age and weight of the baby for transport in a car. The knots and the fabric are not adapted to offer an adequate restraint in case of deceleration. (Even for a short journey and even at very low speed, as the activation of the airbags and the tensioning of the seat belts represents a great danger). So you need to switch from babywearing to car seats to protect baby. Here is a video to help you: frame (https:/Few readersHow to travel with a baby on a plane?
Future or young parents, you wish to travel and take the plane even with your baby. From what age can a baby fly? What do you need to bring? We tell you everything. From what age can a baby fly? From birth, baby can fly. However, most airlines only accept babies who are more than 7 days old. Ask for more information. If you are not in a hurry and are planning a long plane trip with your baby, we still recommend that you wait at least 3 weeks before taking your little one on a trFew readersCan baby's arms come out of the baby carrer when babywearing?
This is not a problem as long as baby is well supported as shown in the photo below (make sure you pull on the straps on baby's back (on the apron) to keep the shoulders flat. His growing curiosity can also indicate to you to switch to back carrying with the booster seat if needed. MG9659bleupaonLR.jpgFew readersHow to position baby's feet properly on the booster seat?
With the booster seat, when baby is newborn or a few months old, you can position his feet as shown in the photo below. The feet should not be resting on the belt or between the booster seat and your tummy. PCbuMG1294.jpg Here is a video showing you the position of the feet. If needed, we are here :-)Few readersUntil what age can I carry my baby?
Carrying times vary a lot depending on the age of the baby. It depends on his needs, on the availability of the carriers, on the culture... Basically, there is no standard. There are nevertheless some rules. During the first months, babywearing meets an important need of the infant. When the baby discovers his motor skills, he will want to spend some time on his mat, we will start to carry him a little less, a priori on the hip and on the back to free his field of vision and his hands.Few readersIs babywearing a chick thing?
We are in the 21st century. It's not a big deal to be a man and the criteria of manhood have changed a bit in the last few years! :-) In addition to all the benefits for the baby and the discovery of a very close relationship with him, you will be able to continue to do Mr. activities and discover the strong power of seduction that babywearing has on women, watch out for the outings to the park, ladies! Just as true, but more seriously, there are as many Moms as Dads at babywearing workshoFew readersWhich carrying method should I choose if I am heavy build?
We advise you several means of carrying according to your needs: The Original JPMBB wrap which is longer than the BASIC (length needed to make a good basic knot before putting baby on). If necessary, you can always finish your knot in the back instead of in the front. The PhysioCarrier will be interesting with its bi-dFew readersIs a baby carrier sufficient for carrying from birth?
The PhysioCarrier or HoodieCarrier with the optional booster seat can be used from birth. This means that you can use this as your only baby carrier. The HoodieCarrier 2 is suitable for newborns, with its narrow, adjustable seat and adaptable center section. The belt attachment keeps the knees higher than the buttoFew readersIf we carry the baby, will it walk later?
It is not because you carry your baby that you have to carry him all day: parents who do not carry do not leave their child tied up in a stroller or in a cosy from morning to evening, and the same applies to parents who carry. Moreover, carrying your baby helps develop his balance, which is necessary for learning to walk.Few readersWe are going to adopt a child. Can we carry him?
Babywearing can be interesting in the case of an adoption, to gently encourage the attachment of the adopted child and his future parents. The positions will depend on the age or origin of the baby (was he carried in his country?). The meeting should be done gradually, explaining the process to the child and asking his or her permission to carry. Positions that are open to the world will be interesting for making "co-birth". To go further : My baby doesn't like babywearing (/hc/en-uFew readersCan we play sports in a baby carrier?
European regulations specify that a carrying method is not suitable for "sports activities". A family hike is however possible, without looking for speed or taking risks. An indicator of whether I am taking a risk for myself or for the baby would be to ask "will I do it or not with my baby in my arms?" If not, do not do it with baby in the baby carrier :-) The physiological carrying finds all its interest when it meets the needs (of the baby to be reassured and contained and ofFew readersNaps are 100% babywearing, is that ok?
We understand that baby prefers to be warm and rocked during naps! sleep at night is often very different from sleep during the day! If it's ok for you, everything is ok! As long as you remember to alternate the supports, possibly changing your position or turning your head to one side or the other!Few readersIs it more difficult to put baby in a bed if he is used to carrying for his naps?
We understand that baby prefers to be warm and rocked during naps! Nighttime sleep is often very different from daytime sleep! It is true that a baby who falls asleep vertically while carrying can be unsettled by having to fall asleep horizontally in a bed. However, you can recreate when falling asleep in bed all the reassuring universe that he had in carrying. A soft song, a rocking, the warm touch of your hand and your close presence ... If you are convinced that it is the 'right thing' to doFew readersIs it possible to breastfeed in a babycarrier or babywrap?
It is quite possible to use our baby slings for breastfeeding, as well as our baby carriers. You will find tutorials on our youtube channel. allaiterenportebebeouenecharpe.pngFew readersWill my child get used to babywearing?
A reassured child is a confident child who will discover independence on his own without feeling abandoned. During the first months of life, the infant needs the contact of his parents. He will very quickly find other ways to reassure himself and discover the world. Listen to him, listen to yourself. A newborn does not have wants, he has needs, any concept of "whim" and blackmail is irrelevant. People are surprisingly quick to forget that an infant does not have the same social behaviour asFew readersWhich baby carrier is the right one to start with a toddler?
With a walking child, babywearing takes on another dimension: it is no longer a question of carrying for hours on end, but rather of simplifying life and/or meeting a specific need: going for long walks without having to carry a child who is tired of walking, going to places where the stroller has trouble getting through, reassuring an older child who is demanding attention when a new baby arrives... The HoodieCarrier or PhysioCarrieFew readersHow should baby's airways be in the babywrap?
Make sure to keep the respiratory tract always visible and ventilated. The sling should be properly adjusted so that the child does not slump. The Baby should be in an upright position. We must be able to pass two fingers under the chin of the Baby, His head must not be too far back.Few readersHow long to wear?
Have you ever wondered how long to carry your baby? If several hours of carrying is too long? The reality is that there is no specific time. It depends on your baby's need to be carried and the context in which you find yourself. Outside or at home, the carrying time will not be the same :) The important thing is to make sure that you vary your baby's position, for example every 30 minutes. Especially his head, which he cannot move by himself at birth. If we follow the paediatric recommenFew readers
Psychomotor Development
What is a M position for babycarrier?
Baby comfortable in a wrap in an egonomic, natural position As young parents, you hear the term "ergonomic babywearing" everywhere. Love Radius has been talking about it for over 15 years now (how ahead of its time!). Stay with us to find out exactly what it means. M position babywearing, what does it mean? Babywearing is the act of carrying your baby against you whether itPopularHyperextension baby, how to baby wear?
Baby hyperextension, what is it? Hyperextension is characterized by an excessive contraction of the muscles at the back of your child's body. When he is angry, he may arch his back and bend his head backwards. If it's temporary and your baby is still mobile in his limbs, it's probably not pathological. Talk to your pediatrician, it may be an indication that your child is in pain. Make an appointment with your pediatrician who can help you and your baby. Baby puts himself in hyperPopularCan babywearing relieve GERD?
GERD babies can suffer from are often relieved by the upright posture offered by babywearing. By promoting an upright posture and allowing baby to roll up well, babywearing can help limit acid reflux by reducing muscle tension on the front of baby's body. It can also accompany you in breastfeeding by allowing you to keep baby upright during breastfeeding;) Recommended positions: In a sling (baby under three months) = off-center ventral In a baby carrier: ventral with the booster (if babSome readersWill my baby get too used to babywearing?
A baby's needs are not the same as those of a growing baby who is in the discovery and curiosity phase. Carrying time will decrease as baby grows. Don't worry if he is asking to be carried a lot at the moment.Few readersIs there a risk in carrying a baby for too long?
Babywearing meets a need! The newborn needs to be carried a lot. The 2 year old child, much less because he has other capacities of exploration, in autonomy. He will therefore appreciate being carried for a stroll but posed to play on the ground whenever he wants. As long as babywearing is used to meet the needs of the moment, there is no time limit or any particular risk! You just have to be careful to alternate baby's supports by changing position in a sling or turning the head from side to siFew readersDoes plagiocephaly prevent babywearing?
On the contrary, carrying will relieve pressure on the baby's skull, linked to the lying down position, which is sometimes too prolonged and inhibits movement and is sometimes the source of plagiocephalus. Wrapping the baby in a flexed position, i.e. knees higher than the buttocks, hands towards the face, will free the mobility of the head and make the baby more available to exchange glances with the adult.Few readersHow babywearing helps baby's communication?
At the height of kisses, baby is located as close as possible to his parent's social interactions. He thus has plenty of time to learn his mother tongue or others, to hear the different intonations and to feel the tonico-emotional reactions of his parent.Few readersCan I carry my baby if he has club feet?
In terms of babywearing, we can offer you the following 2 solutions: In the Original JPMBB or BASIC wrap, you can carry baby in the classic position, with his legs on either side of the two straps. However, you will have to remove the bar to put baby in the sling. In the PhysioCarrier or HoodieCarrier (https://love-radiusFew readers